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Integrating all the sustainment data from your platforms, ILIAS provides detailed insight into all of your assets at all levels in your organization, be it tactical, operational or strategic. ILIAS provides all of your tools to plan, schedule, execute and control logistics. Look back at your fleet’s performance, assess what needs to happen right now and predict what the status will be in the future. FlightPRO® is a complete and proven solution that covers the end-to-end operations and management processes of Military Flying Squadrons, Groups, Wings and Commands. FlightPRO ® provides a recruitment to retirement history of individuals, linked to competency, currency and qualifications. With over 50 collective years serving defense, ILIAS Solutions and Ocean Software have joined forces to provide unprecendented operational visibility and mission readiness.

• Seamless integration between maintenance & flight operations
• Real time information and minimize chance of data entry error

• Reduce risk and increase accountability across your organisation
• Optimize workflows and focus on core tasks

Training Pipeline Management

FlightPRO® supports the training of students and operational personnel. Plan courses, monitor student progress, manage course currencies and report on training activity. Students or operational personnel can access and complete course content, access scheduled programmes and input post flight times/outcomes to update their currencies and qualifications and ensure logbooks are up to date.

Qualification & Currency Management

FlightPRO® manages the Skills (currency, recency and qualification) data with a powerful user defined rules engine. Administrators can create and manage organisational skills with flexible rules to ensure personnel meet required tasking. Easily find the right person for any task and ensure the safety of your operations.

Short and Long Term Planning

FlightPRO® facilitates both short and long-term scheduling. Schedulers can identify available resources, manage mission conflicts, log operations, and monitor operations. FlightPRO® modules also enable course forward planning.

Powerful Workflows

User defined workflows are applied and executed in real time, providing visibility to all. The workflow engine in FlightPRO® can be applied to activities such as student assessments, creating mission profiles and diplomatic clearance approvals.


Interested in ILIAS & FlightPRO®? Drop us a line and download our dedicated brochure right now.
