The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) together with ILIAS Solutions have published their first scientific article.

The mission of ILIAS Solutions is to enable mission driven logistics by preparing the next best action. In order to enhance predictability, ILIAS has developed a unique holistic approach towards condition based maintenance.

To make this approach work ILIAS understands it needs to be pragmatic. Pragmatic in a sense that decision makers understand why and what they need to decide when. And at the same time scientifically based to give the decision makers the trust they have a solid base for their decision.

The three major pillars of this approach are:

  • Educating and warning the user
  • Enhancing the condition and even better the use of an asset to be the trigger for maintenance
  • Create an objective base for Performance Based Contracting

ILIAS has developed together with the DTU a method to create in a relatively short time a model-based algorithm to answer to a need of a customer.

The starting points are:

  1. Understanding the need of the customer and what the exact question is
  2. Creating a scientific (electro) mechanical model as a basis for prediction
  3. Enhance the model with Machine Learning to fill in the blanks and speed up the results

This all based on one basic set of data generated by holistic ILIAS Smart Sensors in combination with vehicle born CAN Bus data. Applying federated learning with the model developed with DTU, incorporating machine learning at the right levels, ILIAS is able to create algorithms within the ILIAS I-HUMS system. This algorithm can be embedded (over-the-air) in the ILIAS Smart Sensor to inform the driver (near real time).

DTU and ILIAS are proud to have achieved a major milestone in publishing the first model in Elsevier’s Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) magazine. The article describes a model for Mass Estimation, enabling the military to prevent overloading. This will reduce cost and enhance availability of the fleet by warning the driver. Colonel De Varé, from Belgian Defense, shares these valuable experiences on the most recent development for the Intelligent Health and Usage Monitoring System for the FOX vehicles.