The Belgian Air Force Days 2016 took place in Florennes (BE) the 25 & 26 June and, as you might guess ILIAS Solutions was present at this incredible airshow!
We were pleased to be at the BAF Days with Air Combat Europe and their Blackshapes which were decorated with our logo for this special occasion. Air Combat Europe is the first organization offering professional Air Combat for everyone in Europe. ACE gives you the opportunity to learn the art of Air Combat by flying with experienced military F-16 pilots with many hours’ of actual combat.
ILIAS Solutions doesn’t only fly with ACE but also collaborates with their experts on a day to day basis to make better solutions. We draw upon their know-how and expertise for the improvement and extension of our Military Flight Scheduling and Aircrew Training Management solutions to make sure that we can provide value to our Air Force customers.
Our experience at the Belgian Air Force Days gave us the proof that we don’t have to be huge to be efficient! Like the Blackshapes, our solutions are agile and powerful thanks to the effort of a dedicated team with a consistent focus on defense. For 20 years now, we provide the means to assure effective execution of processes, capture key information and enable commanders to do more, with less.
Want to try our Military Flight Scheduling and Aircrew Training Management solutions?
Do not hesitate to contact us!